26-28 November, 2019, Vilnius

Conference is over! See you next year.

Stefan Reiser

LINK Institute, Switzerland


Stefan’s educational background includes information systems, marketing and statistics – his professional passion is creating ROI from data analytics, customer feedback, market and competitive intelligence.


Turning a Wasting into a Learning Culture - Combining NLP and Neural Networks to truly Understand and Predict Customers' Behaviour

Most of the customer feedback of companies around the globe is being wasted, as it is not used to learn, derive insights or to optimize products and processes. At the same time, the amount of customer survey and observation data within companies is growing at heavy speed. The presentation will introduce levers on how to cope with this phenomenon and illustrate, which role Data Science and Machine Learning should Play from an analytical and business perspective. Based on scaled and text feedback of customers, past-oriented data can be turned into predictive causal models that not only explain what truly drives customers loyalty, but also how customer behavior will change in the future based on optimization within the company and its customer service.

Session Keywords

Customer Analysis
Data Science
Predictive Analytics